On Mon, 10 Feb 2020 18:27:03 -0600, Fred Kaptein <fred.kapt...@telus.com> wrote:

>I have a user that is allocating a data set in TSO and REXX using the 
>following command
>RECFM(F B A)  CYL SPACE(9)   BLOCK(27951) DIR(100)
>The data set is allocated, but the unused space is released, so the data set 
>is only 6 tracks.
>I allocate the same data set in ISPF 3.2 and the data set is allocated with 9 
>The same SMS management class and data class is assigned for both allocations.
>Is it possible not to release unused space when using the TSO ALLOC command?   
The BLOCK and CYL keywords are mutually exclusive, and since BLOCK was 
specified last it overrides CYL. The command is requesting space for 9 blocks 
of size 27951, or about 4.5 tracks, plus 100 directory blocks, a little over 2 
tracks, so I would expect it to get 7 tracks. If you use BLKSIZE instead of 
BLOCKS you will get the 9 cylinders.


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