The main Netview "parm" member is CNMSTYLE (Netview Style sheet) and it 
is located in a dataset in the DSIARPM concatenation. The standard user 
configurable member is CNMSTUSR. In this member you could code AuxInitCmd 
commands that Netview will execute at initialization time:

Comments from CNMSTYLE

*                      auxInitCmd Statements                           *
*  Commands specified here will run after the style sheet is           *
*  interpreted and before any command at any autotask.                 *
*  Commands will be run in alphabetical order by tail value.           *
*  Only the first 21 characters of the tail are considered.            *
*  (e.g. auxInitCmd.COOL runs before auxInitCmd.ZEBRA).                *
*  Alphabetic characters are translated to upper case before sorting.  *

        These commands could be Netview commands or netview Clist/rexxs that 
you create.

        Another possibility is to create your own Automated operator defined 
with its own profile. In that profile, you could code an Initial Command (IC= 
on the PROFILE statement).  Of course, you might want to automatically start 
your automated operator, perhaps in an AuxInitCmd.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Dana Mitchell
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: NetView

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I developed some REXX'es to do auto startup and shutdown using Netview back in 
the late 90's.   If I recall correctly, there was a config member to have a 
REXX kicked off at Netview startup.  It would then check to see if it was 
really IPL time,  (not just a Netview recycle)  then cycle through and perform 
all the required startup tasks.


On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 07:32:28 -0600, Steve Beaver <> wrote:

>Upfront I will admit that I know very little about all the capabilities of 
>Given that, is there a way to have NetView automation auto-magically 
>execute A %STARTUP command without the console prompting the %STARTUP.
>Thanks in Advance

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