Hi Folks,
Just to mention that I can revise my articles at any time. It's a
nice luxury to have.
It used to be, when I wrote for the magazine, that once I submitted
an article to the editor, I had no further control or say, as to the
content. I didn't have a chance to correct any changes that the editor
made, before publication. (This was sometimes frustrating, because we
systems programmers have in-jokes, which I hinted at in the beginning of
many articles, and the editor removed most of them, not understanding
the message that they conveyed. They were the only parts of the article
that were (to her) seemingly not "tech talk", and she told me "an editor
has to edit". I disagreed, but to no avail.)
In any case, I can now change an article if there is a mistake or
an addition. (Yay.)
The last article was changed, because I was able to put more
security into the program I was writing about, and I wanted the article
to reflect the new change.
So it might pay to look at the ISPF statistics on the articles, and
note if any were later.
Thanks for listening.............
All the best of everything to all of you.
Sincerely, Sam
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