A note passed to me on this with a request to post:

Hi Dan,                                                                      
    In the TCP/IP Programmer's Reference, Chapter 5 "Remote Procedure Calls",
there is a section called "RPCGEN Command" which indicates that the          
CC EXEC is used.                                                      
    Please try accessing the disk containing the C compiler.  Then    
erase the DMSVSMA EXPAND which was created by any RPCGENs that failed  
and try the RPCGEN again.                                              
Best Regards,                                                          

yes, its still ok to shot the messenger if needed!
Kurt Acker  

"Daniel P. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>

03/28/2006 05:45 PM

Please respond to

Re: RPCGEN misery on z/VM 5.2 + RSU05104

Light bulb... Now there's an idea...

OK, maybe this is a better question:  I didn't find any obvious
indication as to required LE levels and/or required loadlib / txtlib
settings for rpcgen.  I can't be the only person to have tried this ;-)
and the system in question is a plain, vanilla, out-of-the-box z/VM 5.1
SDO install.


Alan Altmark wrote:
> On Tuesday, 03/28/2006 at 04:16 CST, "Daniel P. Martin"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get RPCGEN to build the necessary hooks for the System
>> Management API on z/VM 5.1.  Both before and after applying the 5104
>> RSU, things fail mid-way through the process.  If I'm missing something
>> that should be obvious, I'd welcome pointers to the correct
>> documentation.  Here's a console excerpt:
>> --- tear here ---
>> rpcgen
>> dmsvsma
>> DMSITP142T Operation exception occurred at 8214DAB0 in routine RPCGEN
>> during SPIE exit routine
>> 16:03:08  * MSG FROM MAINT   : DTCINI004S Abend detected by
>> DMSABE148T System abend 0C1 called from 0214DAB0 reason code
>> 00000000
> [snip]
>> Any helpful insights or comments would be greatly appreciated,
> As a guess, you have the wrong level of LE installed or the wrong SCEERUN
> LOADLIB laying around.   Or something.
> I have a lightbulb just like yours and *mine* isn't burned out... :-)
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

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