Hello Everyone,

We have been receiving many requests lately to turn up or turn down a share for a specific userid during our clients batch cycles.  They are going through some growing pains(very good thing) and are still trying to figure out the best mix for their nightly, weekend and monthly batch cycles.  Because the client always knows best, we just simply complete their request when ever they ask.  

We're considering setting up a separate class that will allow specific clients to set the share on their own.  We believe this could be accomplished using a new privilege class but was wondering exactly how we would go about setting one up, as well as pros and cons the list might be aware of.  Also, I was wondering if there is a way that we can setup the privilege class to allow the command to only be executed against certain IDs.  I'm thinking about audit time and what the auditors might say if we allow our clients the authority to set share on our service machines.

As always, I appreciate any input.

Thank you,

Tim Gray Ø Systems Programmer Ø Information Technology Ø AXA Technology Services Ø Phone 315-477-2684 Ø SOC 5T1, MD 35-18 Ø [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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  • ... - Tim Gray Tim Gray Ø Systems Programmer Ø Information Technology Ø The MONY Group Ø Phone 315-477-2684 Ø SOC 5T1, MD 35-18 Ø [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------
    • ... Rob van der Heij
      • ... Adam Thornton
      • ... Dave Jones
        • ... Kurt Acker
    • ... Peter . Webb
    • ... Christine Casey

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