It is correct.
We got rid of ISPF long ago (we had only installed
it for the NDM product to begin with) but we do use
RMS for the tape library.


On 25 Apr 2006 at 16:24, Lee Stewart wrote:

> Hi all...    I must be getting old, but....
> I seem to remember not too long ago a discussion here about
> installing 
> only the RMS part of DFSMS for 3494 support and *I think* someone
> said 
> you don't need ISPF for that part of DFSMS.
> I searched the archives several ways and couldn't find any
> discussion 
> like that, so I'm asking here...   Is it correct?  And does anyone
> else 
> remember that discussion or am I.....?
> Thanks as always,
> Lee
> -- 
> Lee Stewart, Senior SE
> Sirius Enterprise Systems Group
> Phone: (303) 798-2954
> Fax: (720) 228-2321

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