On Thursday, 05/04/2006 at 12:44 MST, "Schuh, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> What about the reverse - send a vendor an ASSEMBLE file so that they can 
> their modifications to it and send me the update files? I recently had a 
> make such a request.

Go for it, dude. 

I would be remiss in my duties, however, if I failed to quote from that 
pesky license agreement: "You will ensure that anyone who uses the Program 
(accessed either locally or remotely) does so only for Your authorized use 
and complies with the terms of this Agreement."   The "Program" includes 
the source code.

How you do that is left as an exercise involving you and the vendor. Blood 
oaths and the exchange of firstborn are probably sufficient.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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