I know next to nothing about VSE. However, I do know how to use LookAt --
 on the web at 
<http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/>. I sea
rched on 1QBEI  
and found:

rr FOR
          jobname jobnumber [jobsuffix] ON taskid,cuu
Explanation: A LST or PUN queue entry was processed by a list or punch ta
sk, which has been 
started with the VM operand. When passing queue entry information from VS
the internal macro call CPCOM has failed with return code rrrrr, presente
d in decimal notation.
Note: When jobname jobnumber is displayed as '-- --', no queue entry is c
urrently accessed by 
the writer task.

System Action: In nearly all cases VSE/POWER has requested an internal du
mp for problem 
analysis. When currently passing the

'SPOOL' command to VM/CP, the addressed queue entry remains unchanged, an
d the list/punch 
task is terminated.
'CLOSE' command to VM/CP, the addressed queue entry is held (disp DÿH, 
KÿL) in the queue, and 
list/punch task processing continues with subsequent queue entries.

System Programmer Response: Use VM/ESA System Messages and Codes manual a
nd locate the 
corresponding 'HCPrrrx' message for detailed failure explanation.

Operator Response: Inform your system programmer about the failure return
 code. If required, 
restart the list/punch task, after the VM/CP interface has been corrected

No search hits found for: HCP00007
No search hits found for: HCP0007
No search hits found for: HCP007

I eventually came up with:

   HCP007E Invalid userid - userid

Explanation: The user ID contains more than eight characters, or the user
 ID is not in the CP 
directory. If an external security manager (ESM) is installed on your sys
tem, you may receive this 
message if you are not authorized to use this command.
System Action: The command is not executed; system operation continues.

User Response: Reissue the command with a valid user ID that is in the di
rectory or contact your 
system administrator to obtain the necessary authorization.

I'm not sure what, if anything in your message is a userid. Could be the 
userid of your VSE guest, I 
suppose. Authorization issue? Any recent change in a userid? Should be mo
re information in the 

On Mon, 15 May 2006 21:27:57 -0400, Hooker, Don - OIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
gov> wrote:

>Help all -
>We upgraded to a z.890 and z/VM 5.2 this weekend.  Tonight one of our
>VSE jobs attempting to spool print to VM is getting:
>        FOR CSEK631 18177 ON LST,02E
>F1 0001 1Q33I  STOPPED LST,02E
>I've tried pointing it to different virtual printers iwith the sam
>results. The output viewed via FAQS looks fine.
>Any ideas or suggestions?

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