--- Tom Duerbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, so perhaps it wasn't such a dumb question. 
> Seems like many
> understand different facets of the whole.

The only dumb question is one you don't ask.

> A client puts a packet on the transmission medium,

"Conceptually" a client passes the data to the TCP (or
UDP) layer. The TCP layer passes the data to the IP
layer. The IP layer uses the routing table to decide
which interface to send the packet on...

> it contains the IP
> address and port/socket that the packet should be
> routed to.  It may
> also have a connection number to distinguish
> multiple long connectsions
> (tn3270).  

The client (usually) only quotes the connection number
(socket handle) and the data to be sent.

> It also contains the IP address and the
> port/socket that the
> results should be sent back to.  

This information is added by the TCP and IP layers.

> The server IP stack
> looks for packets
> with its IP address, takes the packet/socket
> (building the complete
> message if multiple packets were used), and
> transfers the data to who
> ever is listening on the specified port/socket.

Again its an IP "stack" so the IP layer has a protocol
byte which says to pass either to the UDP or TCP
layer. If its TCP the TCP layer will handle
re-transmission, missing packets etc. It uses the
from/to address/socket number pairs to work out which
socket (connection number) to pass the data up to.

> So, any process is only going to get one message at
> a time.  It is up
> to the process to be able to handle or buffer many
> messages.  

TCP will do some of this for you.

> If it
> can't, it should post a flag (busy bit) back to the
> IP stack.  If the
> "busy bit" is set, the IP stack either sends back a
> NAK or something
> back to the client (perhaps the busy condition). 

If you are using TCP not reading the data will cause
the TCP/IP stack to apply back pressure to stop the
other end from sending. You don't need to set busy
bits. See the MAN pages for SEND, RECV and

> The IP stack shouldn't
> throw packets away, but the connecting process, just
> might discard
> packets, depending on what the application designers
> wanted.

Nope. The IP layer is at liberty to throw away
whatever it wants or to send the packets to whatever
node it wants to. The TCP layer (assuming you are
using TCP) has to sort out the mess the IP layer makes
and get the data packets in the right order (because
some might be sent in different directions the might
arrive out of order) and get missing data
re-transmitted (because the IP layer threw it away).
The application then reads then as it needs. If data
arrives too quickly again TCP has to apply back
presure and buffer.

> The process receives the message.  

If its TCP the process see a byte stream. If it wants
to divide it into messages it can.

> If there is a
> connection number
> associated with the message, it identifies the long
> running
> communication (such as tn3270) that this message is
> for.  

TCP uses special messages to set up the call.

> If the process is a short running process (tn3270),
> it handles it and
> returns a message back to the IP stack.  If the
> process requires a lot
> of resources (FTP), the message is routed to another
> task for async
> processing and immediately returns a message back to
> the IP stack.

Nope. There is no fixed association between processes
and connections. A single process (typically HTTP) can
handle many calls, or you can start a new process per
call. On UNIX systems there is a process call INET
that listens for connections and spawns tasks. However
its fully configurable.

> But if ports can be shared, how do I get "port busy"
> for a FTP to VSE? 
> Now I see that, by default, I specified two FTP
> daemons.  I assume that
> I can do two FTP transfers at the same time.  Sounds
> logical.

Because TCP knows nothing about starting applications
when a connection arrives. When a TCP connect
primitive arrives, if no application is listening, you
will get a "port busy"  or similar.

> Obviously, when I LPR to a printer, that someone
> else is sending a
> large printout to, I get a port busy.  

You might. Some printers buffer multiple prints. Other
might accept the connection and then not read any

> I've had cases when I FTP'ed to a server, of getting
> a "port busy"
> message.  An immediate retry usually works.

Usually FTP servers are limited to say "n" downloads.
"busy" means the limit is reached. If they are small
files there is a good chance a transfer will work.
> Is port and socket the same thing?  How are they
> different?

A "port" is a data field within the protocol. Port
numbers for well known processes are assigned by
ICANN. A socket is somewhat akin to a DD name or
Fortran I/o number.  Its a handle which refers to a
particular connection.


might help.

> Tom Duerbusch
> THD Consulting
> (trying to update obsolete memory locations)

Hope the above helps...


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