Quoting Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thursday, 05/25/2006 at 07:03 ZE2, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On 5/25/06, Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > You may not 1) use, copy, modify or distribute the Program except as
> > > > provided in this Agreement;
> >
> > > Please post only your patches.  Thanks.
> >
> > What would one do with those patches? Not modify the program I hope ;-)
> LOL!!  Of course, one could, like, actually report the problem, you know?
> :-)  Use Feedback on the web page or whatever other avenue They give you.
> If I knew who They were, I'd tell them myself.  Alas, I cannot get even to
> the Alphaworks site right now.
What's really funny about the license and the copyrights and all is that one of
the classes in Ximple is called BrowserControl and was published by Steven
Spencer on www.javaworld.com.  I believe it was in the 1999 timeframe.  But,
the author of Ximple chose not to give credit and instead decided to put this
at the top of the code:

 * Ximple
 * Author: Alfred Kayser
 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2002 All Rights Reserved

Oh well.  I guess IBM owns everything...  :-)  Actually, since no copyright was
attached to the article, I guess Alfred was within his rights to use it freely,
but to claim ownership????  That just seems wrong.


BTW:  I don't really care about this whole thing.  It's a cool little app that
given proper care and feeding could be useful to someone.  Not me.  I'd use THE
instead if I wanted an Xedit-style editor.  Just thought I'd bring it up.

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