Interesting - we just ordered something on 6/5 and got:

 Data sent via "INET". To retrieve your service:
   FTP to:
   Log on using userid ...
   Enter the following FTP commands:

Mike, you must be 'special' or it was a 6/6/6 thing (sigh).  We have had no
problems ftp'ing to at all.  I can only guess there may
be a firewall thing going on preventing the connection.

James Vincent
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and z/Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5547    Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 06/09/2006
09:57:45 AM:

> Steve,
> Don't know where  you're getting the "PTF.BOULDER.IBM.COM", I don't
> remember seeing that for years (gee, maybe "For at least the last
> two years"?).
> When I ordered a PTF through IBMLink just this last Tuesday 6/6/6
> (sort of makes one fearful to install anything on that day), the
> instructions from IBMLink included the following (where I overtyped
> my IBMLink userid with "uuuuuu" and password with "pppppppp"):
> ---<snip>---
> *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Internet Webpage *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
> If you have access to the Internet, IBM has a webpage
> available for you to check your order's status. The URL
> is-
> Data sent via "INET". To retrieve your service:
>   FTP to:
>   Log on using userid "uuuuuu" and password "pppppppp"
>   Enter the following FTP commands:
> ---<snip>--- (there was more, but it's unrelated to your specific issue)
> I use FTP from CMS to order service and ship dumps to IBM and ISV's
> all the time.  The VMFTP package (with the latest fixes) written by
> Romney White can be a huge help for frequent and automated FTP use
> (from FILELIST I can issue a homegrown FTP2CA EXEC command and the
> file is packed and shipped to CA's download site in one swell foop).
> The VMFTP package can be obtained from:

> Mike Walter
> Hewitt Associates
> The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

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