
Does EHI_BI_CLASS_CODE exist on STL01.THD002?

Ferdinand Prahst wrote:
Is it possible to have a look at the "create table statement" ?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im
Auftrag von Tom Duerbusch
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. Juni 2006 19:26
Betreff: Re: AW: VSE and DB2/UDB

We seem to be able to create tables on UDB from VSE.
We seem to be able to issue select statements from VSE to UDB. However, we
can't do a "dataload".

ARI0801I DBS Utility started: 06/07/06 12:39:58. AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = OFF ISOLATION LEVEL = REPEATABLE READ ARI2906I The only valid isolation level is CS when the DRDA protocol is used. Isolation level CS is now in effect. ------> CONNECT "DB2INST1" IDENTIFIED BY ********; ARI8004I User DB2INST1 connected to server SAMPLE. ARI0500I SQL processing was successful. ARI0505I SQLCODE = 0 SQLSTATE = 00000 ROWCOUNT = 0 ------> SELECT * FROM STL01.THD002; ARI0850I SQL SELECT processing successful: Rowcount = 0 ------> SET AUTOCOMMIT ON; ARI0815I ...AUTOCOMMIT Processing Mode = ON ARI8997I ...Begin COMMIT processing. ARI0811I ...COMMIT of any database changes successful. ------> DATALOAD TABLE (STL01.THD002) ------> "EHI_RECORD_CODE" 001-002 CHAR

------>   "EHI_ORG"           003-003 CHAR

------>   "EHI_SSN"           004-012 CHAR

------>   "EHI_DATE"          013-022 DATE CURRENT DATE IF POS(013-016) =
'0000' ------> "EHI_DEPT" 023-025 CHAR

------>   "EHI_BI_PREFIX"     038-038 CHAR

------>   "EHI_BI_CLASS_CODE" 039-042 CHAR

ARI0859E Invalid column reference.

------>   "EHI_BI_GRADE"      043-044 CHAR

------>   "EHI_BI_SHIFT"      045-045 CHAR

------>   "EHI_BI_STEP_1"     046-046 CHAR

------>   "EHI_BI_STEP_2"     047-047 CHAR

------>   "EHI_REASON_CODE"   048-049 CHAR

------>   "EHI_SICK_LV_BAL"   050-056 ZONED

------>   "EHI_SICK_CLASS"    057-066 CHAR

------>   "EHI_SICK_CODE"     067-068 CHAR

------>   "EHI_ANNL_ERS_WGS"  069-077 ZONED

------>   "EHI_ANNL_SERVICE"  078-079 ZONED

------>   "EHI_CONTR_TOTAL"   080-086 ZONED

------> "EHI_CONTR_WITHINT" 087-093 ZONED ------> INFILE (SDSKIN PDEV(DASD) RECSZ(93) BLKSZ(9300) RECFM(FB)) ------> COMMITCOUNT(1000) ; ARI0875I 0 rows loaded into table STL01.THD002. ARI0857E DATALOAD processing unsuccessful. ARI0813I ...Suspend command execution: AUTOCOMMIT = OFF ERRORMODE = ON ARI0802I End of command file input. ARI0807E ...Errors occurred during command processing. ARI0808I DBS processing completed: 06/07/06 12:39:59.

We (Roland) and I were on the track of needing to bind the DB2 Utilities
package.  But either that didn't change anything or I didn't do it right
(there were no messages produced when I rebound the utilities).

And I mean NO messages.  Nothing.  Natta.  Just a RC=0.

I'm on VSE/ESA 2.5.1 with DB2/VSE 7.3 with all maintenance applied up to
about 6/15/2006.  I'm using the CSI stack 1.5C (1.5D isn't supported by IBM
on my release of VSE).  I'm on SUSE 9 64 bit with the latest service pack
applied.  SUSE is also 64 bit.

I'm on DB2 UDB 8.2 with the latest fixpack applied (FP 12 I think).  But I
think DB2 is running in 31 bit mode.

One of my guesses is that this isn't working due to some communications
problem and everyone else that is running a VSE Client to UDB is running at
a later level of VSE or the IP stack.  What is your releases?

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/30/2006 8:15 AM >>>
Hi Tom,

What kind of problems do you have ?

We are using DB2 UDB V8.1 on zLinux ( SLES ) and it works fine.


Ferdinand Prahst

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im
Auftrag von Tom Duerbusch
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2006 20:59

I've been trying to use DB2 for VSE to access DB2/UDB and have had mixed
results.  We have been going round and round with DB2 for VSE support
(sometimes I think Roland should be on our payroll).

Other shops have gotten it to work successfully.

So, for those other shops....

What DB2/UDB version/release are you using and on what platform?

I bought up the "try before you buy" release of DB2/UDB (perhaps V8.2 but it
may be V8.1), from the DB2/UDB website from March.  And it is installed on
zLinux (SLES9) 64 bit.

I'm starting to think that I may need to be on a V7 copy of DB2/UDB, or at
least one that I can apply maintenance to.

So, now I'm considering what release to fall back to.


Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Main: (262)392-2026
Cell: (414)491-6001
Ans Service:  (360)715-2467
rich.smrcina at

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