> Actually, originally, it was ADVENT, for Adventure. Advent was a
> program, and my first exposure was on a Digital DECsystem-1090. Zork
> followed Advent.

SYS:[10000,13]ADVENT.SAV was the Fortran version on the TOPS-10
distribution tapes. ADVENT was originally a MDL program, later
translated to Fortran for portability (MDL required a second moby, while
Fortran would run in the base system configuration on the KA the smaller
KI DECsystems). The Fortran source version was widely distributed to
lots of systems -- Burroughs, CDC, etc. I really regret I never had the
vector display hardware needed to run SPCWAR when I still had the 2020. 

> (My age is beginning to show.)

Time to start copying my DUMPER format TOPS tapes to new media... I wish
someone in DEC-land had invented something like AWSTAPE. 

I'm also very glad that someone wrote an emulator for the KI and KS.
Seeing TOPS10 Galaxy (imho, the world's 2nd most sophisticated batch
monitor *ever*) come up on a laptop is a really *cool* experience. RUN
SYS:OPCOM.EXE, anyone? 

-- db

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