On Thursday, 07/13/2006 at 09:47 ZE2, Kris Buelens 
> No, you cannot.  But, if it is an OSA, you can define multiple device
> numbers on a single OSA.  Then you pass a series of device numbers to 
> first level TCP/IP, and another set to the guest VM system.  If your 
> does not have "spare" device numbers for the OSA, you can always define 
> virtual CTC between the first and second level TCP/IP stacks; you need 
> enable PROXYARP on the first level TCP/IP when you want both TCP/IP 
> in the same subnet.  We used such a setup in the past when our old OSA/2
> didn't have enough addresses for our needs.

You can ATTACH the additional first level OSA subchannels to the 2nd level 
system with the same address as the "primary" set used on the first level.

For example, given:
- Your real OSA has subchannels 1E00-1E1F defined for your VM LPAR
- You dedicate 1E00-1E02 to your first level TCP/IP

then you can dedicate 1E03-1E05 to the 2nd level guest as 1E00-1E02, so 
that it sees the same subchannel numberss.  If your IOCP doesn't have 
spare subchannels, then use dynamic I/O to add them.  Alternatively you 
can use a VSWITCH on the first level and have everyone use virtual NICs on 

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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