Hello List,


I’m sure I’m overlooking the obvious. I have one of my VM LPARS running z/VM 5.1.0 and another new LPAR running z/VM 5.2.0. I’m setting up DIRMAINT on the new 5.2.0 LPAR and I cannot find where to configure DIRMAINT to use RACF instead of the VM directory for password verification. When issuing DIRM NEEDPASS NO, I should be using my RACF password, but DIRMAINT is only accepting my password on the USER directory entry. My 5.1.0 system works fine, but I don’t remember how I set it up. I probably just haven’t found the right chapter in the book. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.



Dave Pitner

Rocket Software

275 Grove St.

Newton, MA 02466




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