ET (Eric Thomas, the author of the Revised LISTSERV) told me on VMSHARE m
any, many years ago 
that the underlying cause of most buffer overruns is the C language. The 
basic concept of moving 
characters until you find a x'00' (or CR or LF) will ALWAYS lead to buffe
r overruns. (A number of 
the built-in functions in C have this problem, too.)

Of course, it's possible to write good code in C (and bad code in ANY lan
guage) -- but the same 
damn errors keep popping up over and over and over again in C code in Uni
x and Windows.

To the extent that large parts of the VM TCP/IP stack are written in C, t
he exposure exists. I'm 
sure that IBM is well aware of this, and I hope they have found and plugg
ed all such holes, but 
there can be no guarantee.

What does your security person propose you DO about this possibility? Wha
t does he do for other 
operating systems? Usually the answer is, apply fixes in a timely manner.
 Tell him you do that. 
(You do, don't you?) Tell him that you keep in touch with your colleagues
. Hint that going to 
SHARE would be a good idea, too.

There is an issue here. When a security exposure is found, do you publish
 it or hide it? Most of the 
security world thinks it is better to publish the information -- once a f
ix is available. They deride 
"security by obscurity". IBM, however, does not publish such information 
for VM -- the security or 
integrity APARs contain no information about what is being fixed. 

I'm not going to say this is good or bad -- but it sure makes it hard to 
answer a question such as 
"how common are buffer overruns in VM"?

Personally, I've only seen two security exposures in VM. Neither was due 
to a buffer overflow. 
That's an awfully small sample, though.

Alan Ackerman
Alan -dot- Ackerman -at- Bank of America -dot- com

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