
Thank you all for the help on this. (isn't this list wonderful).

I now have a copy of SHOW and it looks perfect for the job that we need. The only problem is the name because it conflicts with a couple of other things we have - but that is fairly easy to get round.

In the package there was documentation I have found so far that describes writing PROFILEs / MACROs but, looking at those supplied, they seem to use identical commands to XEDIT so, until I find otherwise, I am going to assume it is the same.

Colin Allinson

Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8/3/06, Schuh, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We also use Dump Analyzer and have been satisfied with it. It is designed
> for processing TPF dumps. If it is too steeply priced, the freebie SHOW
> performs all of the required functions. In fact, it incorporates many more
> of the XEDIT capabilities.

You can also have SHOW macro's and implement the markers by GLOBALV
variables though that. And SHOW also takes files straight out of the
virtual RDR.

Alternatively, you might be able to use the "browse" stage in CMS
Pipelines for it. You'd need wrappers around it to select portions to
be browsed (because browse will keep all records it saw so far to
allow going upwards again).


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