Doesn't SYSPROF execute BEFORE the user's A disk is accessed?  If that's
the case, no problem with them having a copy on their A disk - it will
never execute ahead of the "system" version on MAINT 190 (or 19E).

Michael Coffin, President
MC Consulting Company, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jim Bohnsack
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 8:28 AM

I think that the biggest reason for keeping it in a DCSS is that it is 
important code that you really don't want the casual user to muck around

with.  How many problems have we all had to dig into only to find out
there is a private copy of the XYZ EXEC on the user's a-disk that gets
instead of the one that you've got out on a common disk.  Maybe it would
worthwhile to attempt to categorize execs in INSTSEG by frequency or 
likelihood of usage, putting the seldom used ones all together so that
will be in the page likely to be paged out.  Even that, tho, given the 
price and quantity of real storage kind of falls into the category of
twiddling.  Do a cost benefit analysis and you'll probably find that
the cost in your time of the analysis vs. the benefit of not having
4k blocks of  SYSPROF exec in the INSTSEG, isn't there, let alone the
cost of the storage the exec takes.

This is similiar to what a marketing rep I used to work with said when
would talk about the "grief to earnings" ratio of something. Jim

At 05:36 PM 8/5/2006, you wrote:
> > But do you really want to bother with the effort of removing it? It 
> > would be a local mod to remove it, no big deal, but nonetheless ...
>Way back when, I took a bunch of my heaviest local routines and put 
>them IN the INSTSEG. So, once I set up the mod, I took SYSPROF out at 
>the same time.
>I understand from your response that the problem was
>that everyone in the organization would be using SYSPROF
>*at the same time*. I guess that would make a difference.

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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