> Since IBM is dropping VSAM  for VM we are eliminating NETVIEW on our VM
> systems.

Netview has me confused. I also was under the 
impression that it required VSAM (I remember all the 
VSAM work I had to do in order to get it up and 
running), but, in spite of the demise of VSAM, I still 
see on the VM LP Matrix Documentation Updates (for 5.2),
at http://www.vm.ibm.com/techinfo/lpmigr/vml04276.html ,
the following statement:

* Removed End of Service from Netview V2 for VM/ESA V2.3.0. This 
product is still supported. 

That's great news, but... how can it be supported without VSAM?


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Shimon Lebowitz                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jerusalem, Israel            PGP: http://www.poboxes.com/shimonpgp
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