On Thursday, 08/10/2006  Alan Altmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If you can issue CMS commands in the exit, then you can custom-build a
>RACF solution.  The program would have to take as input the VM userid, the
>tape id, and requested access.  Then build a RACROUTE call with the needed
>parameters.  Et voila!

>Yes.  You will have to write an assembler (sorry) program to call the
>RACROUTE macro.  I've been wanting to package up basic RACROUTE into a CSL
>routine, but haven't had the time.  (sigh)

That is a useful starting point but I am a little unsure what resource we
would be checking against? The "standard" solution offered by JR provides
checking of volsers (as far as I understand it). This could be made to work
so the real benefit of using RACROUTE would be to check DSN's instead - but
against what RACF resource? (I am also not sure if the DSN is readily
available in the VMTAPE exit for use in this way).

>Shared RACF database with MVS is only possible if the MVS system is not in
>a sysplex.  GRS on the MVS system must be configured to perform
>RESERVE/RELEASE on the volume in response to an ENQ/DEQ.

We already have a shared RACF database with MVS. In fact it is shared by 3
VM systems and 4 MVS systems. You are right, MVS has to be configured to
exclude the RACF database from ENQ/DEQ so that RESERVE/RELEASE is performed.

I want to thank both Alan & JR for good pointers to solutions for this issue.

Colin Allinson

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