Thanks for the information. I'll try updating my directory entry and see 
that's sufficient to give my access to OpenExtensions.

Here's some information about errno 167. 

I looked up 167 in errno.h.  Here's the entry:

#define EMVSNORTL       167  /* Access to the USS
                                 version of the C RTL is
                                 denied                    */

When I searched on EMVSNORTL in the online VM doc, I found the following 
the LE Debug & Messages doc:

EDC5167I Access to the OpenEdition MVS or OpenEdition VM version of the C

          RTL is denied.

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue an Open C library function that
has a dependency on OpenEdition MVS or OpenEdition VM and the subsystem w
not available or at the incorrect release level. This message is equivale
to the OpenEdition errno, EMVSNORTL. 

Programmer Response: You need to either install the correct level of the 

subsystem or modify your program to not issue the function or conditional
issue the function. If you received this message and you are not running 

under OpenEdition, make sure that POSIX(ON) is set. 

System Action: The request fails. The application continues to run. 

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