I wrote a command that sends commands on to another system for processing.  This command is named (for historical and compatibility reasons) "RO".
The "other system's" command may have its own imbedded parenthesis.  Meanwhile, "RO" has its own options.

Typical VM commands have options following an open parenthesis.  Up until now I've been using double close-parentheses, such as:

        RO some other system command operands ( some other system command options  )) RO's own options

That DOES work, but looks rather "inelegant" to my eyes.  Perhaps someone having experience with other systems might have a more elegant solution?
Obviously, a vertical bar (Pipe's default stage separator) is a nonstarter.

Mike Walter                                                        
Hewitt Associates                                                  
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represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.            

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