5 years ago or more, a response from Alan about using NOTN3270E, solved a problem for me, altho I don't remember what the problem was. I think that at the time, he said that NOTN3270E really only applied to using printers and I think that I saw something to that effect in the TCP/IP Planning and Customization manual. SInce then I have, just as a matter of course, always included that parameter in PROFILE TCPIP. I don't know why z/OS has or had anything to do with it. I wasn't doing anything at the time that involved z/OS.


At 11:12 AM 9/6/2006, you wrote:
On Wednesday, 09/06/2006 at 10:05 EST, Bob Forward
> On some older 3270 devices, any PROG7xx status was due to a program
> check detected by a DFT. The user was then referred to documentation on
> that particular terminal. We still see such status codes appear on
> emulated terminals. We just press RESET, CLEAR or anything that will
> clear the status and go on.

There was a z/OS telnet server bug a while back for TN3270E sessions
wherein the host would send a garbage response to a CLEAR operation.  This
caused a PROG 754.  NOTN3270E bypassed that problem.

Graeme: If you are telnetted into the first level system, try it with
NOTN3270E in the InternalClientParms of PROFILE TCPIP.  If the problem
goes away, there's your workaround.  If anyone has the same problem on a
supported release, please call it in.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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