On 9/12/06, Rick Troth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have mixed feelings about this.
If filesystems and bytewise content were flattened out
then it would make sense.  As it is,  R/W is only to CP Owned vols,
and there is value in writing as handled by SAVESYS and SAVESEG.
But an alternative way of "feeding CP" might be useful.

That's compatibility. I'd imagine the "old way" with saveseg would
still create the spool file. If the named DCSS is not on the disks
that CP has accessed, CP would find the one on spool. But if you would
DCSSBKUP the file and store the file on the CP disk, it would find it
there first. We had a similar approach to phase out the override file.
The spool file is not flattened out either. When a userid issues a
diag64 against a yet unused DCSS, CP will need to walk the map in the
warmstart area and build segment and page tables to map the blocks. I
don't think walking the hyperblocks of a CMS file system is any


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