No gotcha's that I'm aware of. When building from source if you're on a z890 or z990 you may want to consider changing the make files to add the compiler tuning options (you can do this on SLES10 for a z9 also).

A new all-in-one patch was just released for Hobbit that includes all of the patches created since 4.2 was released. You may also want to apply it before you build and let the other group know about it.

Good luck.

Thomas Kern wrote:
When I found out they wanted to migrate to Hobbit, I offered them a SLES on
z system for it, but they already had it installed on a spare server. I h
downloaed the Hobbit source rpm from sourceforge and was going to do the
config with the client parameter and build it on both SLES9 and SLES10. I
you know of any gotchas, I would be interested in hearing about them.

I have a modified BigBrother client running on my zVM systems and I got t
documentation for the Hobbit communications program so that I can rewrite
BigBrother stuff to suit the Hobbit server.

/Tom Kern

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 09:50:28 -0500, Rich Smrcina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
Building the client is very easy (much easier than the server).  If you
prefer RPMs I have them for SLES9 (unfortunately the last time I checked

the package maintainer did not put them on sourceforge, although I sent
them to him).  I don't have a SLES10 handy, so I do not know if they
will work there.

One of the config files will need to be changed to point to the Hobbit
server.  Let me know if you want the RPM and I'll send it privately.

Are they preparing Hobbit to run on Linux for System z?  It does run
quite well there...

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at

Rich Smrcina
VM Assist, Inc.
Phone: 414-491-6001
Ans Service:  360-715-2467
rich.smrcina at

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