Rich Greenberg wrote:
On: Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 07:27:26AM -0700,Don Russell Wrote:

} Gregg Reed wrote:
} >62x140; same with VM:Operator not liking it, VMYCON155E userid screen size
} >exceeds 43-line/80-column maximum. but VM:Backup resizes it to 24x80...
} >How's that done or could it be done from REXX?
} >Gregg

} "resizing to 24 by 80" is done by the application using the "write" vs } "write alternate" form of the command code.

Correction Don, its erase write and erase write alternate.

Yes, that's why I used "...form of the command". My point being there are multiple commands to "write" to the display, depending on what the application wants to do. Of course before issuing an EWA command the host should query the device to determine its capabilities. If one were to send an EWA to a device that didn't support alternate sizes, the result would be a PROG 4xx (404 I think).

For the non-3270 internals folks,  all 3270 displays (except model 2s
(24x80)) have 2 sizes.  24x80 and another size.  On real 3270s, there
were only a few "other" sizes, such as 32x80 (model 3), 43x80 (model 4)
or 27x?? (model 5).

Mod 5 ==> 27 by 132

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