There is a bypass (I think).  Store a UCOMDIR NAMES file on the A-disk of DFSMS servers.  In this file, you aasign a nickname to a filepool:
  :nick.VMSYS  :tpn.MYPOOL
Note: to activate this, the easiest way it to IPL CMS

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 2006-10-11 19:27:30:

> >We are currently running z/VM 5.1 with the RMS (Removable Media Services)
> >feature of DFSMS. We are using the default system SFS (Shared File System)
> >that comes with the base system. (VMSERVR, S, U). I want to install DFSMS in
> >my local SFS however Chapter 2 of the install instructions says that the
> >control file and config file must reside on the VMSYS:DFSMS.CONTROL SFS
> >directory which is VMSERVS. Does anyone know how to get around this
> >requirement?

> Unfortunately no, the DFSMS/VM code was written to look for the
> control file in that particular directory without providing a way
> to change it.   You could do an alias, however the files would still
> need to be in a directory within the VMSYS: filepool.

> Best Regards,
> Les Geer
> IBM z/VM and Linux Development

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