Tom Duerbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How many others have shipped dumps, online, back before high speed
>Internet connections?

This is the inverse, or maybe the perverse: 

In 1990 or so, we had a distributor in Europe.  A customer took a database 
ABEND and was very unhappy.  I was in Manhattan that day speaking 4x at MVMUA, 
and over lunch called the office (pre-cellphone!) and heard about the crisis.  
"We might need you to come back immediately", I was told.  "Um...that makes no 
sense: I need the dump.  Get them to overnight it and I'll be back tonight, 
will look at it tomorrow."

So the next day, FredEks (or more likely DHL) delivers a too-large, too-heavy 
box.  I open it...and find a paper dump!

The lucky part was, I was able to find an overlay in page 0, so I was able to 
diagnose it impressively quickly...


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