Building off Jim's approach:

userid = 'AAA'                                                      
  '| < MY LISTING A',            /* Read in datafile */              
  '| FRTARGET FIND 0' || userid, /* Start at first record for user */
  '| NLOCATE 1-6 /1REPT:/',      /* Strip headers */                
  '| NLOCATE 1-6 /DATE:/',       /*    ""         */                
  '| NLOCATE 1-6 /TIME:/',       /*    ""         */                
  '| NLOCATE 1-9 /========/',    /*    ""         */                
  '| NLOCATE 1-7 /0USERID/',     /*    ""         */                
  '| JOINCONT LEADING / / /!/',  /* Put all user info together */    
  '| FIND 0' || userid,          /* Get info for target user */      
  '| SPLIT BEFORE /!/',          /* Get back to multiple lines */                                    
  '| CHANGE /!/ /',              /* Revert our continuation character */                                    
  '| CONS'                       /* Display output */                                    

This should also be a bit more tolerant than your initial solution when it comes to intervening records (e.g. throw an 0AAA        FULL02 after the second header, and your pipes will give you a lot of extra junk).

Miguel Delapaz
z/VM TCP/IP Development

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