Another gotcha to be warned about:

Probably, the SAPL program on your system is "burned" in the resident by telling to use "PARM DISK 1" during IPL. So you count on this.
However, CP and/or SAPL translate this in "PARM DISK on CYL X" and that is remembered.

This means that if you need to enlarge the PARM disk and move it to another start cylinder, a SHUTDOWN REIPL or a restart after an abend, CP will still try to reload from the old PARM disk.

I have been beaten by this earlier this year.  Our old PARM disk was cleaned by DIRMAINT and a later SHUTDOWN REIPL gave an error message "CPLOAD MODULE not found".  One is puzzeld as one links to MAINT CF1 and sees the module is there....  As a result, the operators could not restart the VM system.
- If there would have been a CP abend, CP would not have restarted itself.
- If you wouldn't have cleaned the old PARM disk, CP would have been restarted with maybe an older CP nucleus than you thought

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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