The following feature numbers/material id's are available for High Level 

Assembler (5696-234):

First, there's the separate optional toolkit: S00128S, which has a small 

monthly license charge.  This charge is IN ADDITION to any of the base 

charges below.

Second, there's the VSE-only feature: S00128N, which has a variety of 
monthly license charges depending on your processor, etc. (Tiered Workloa
License Charge, ELC, zELC, Processor Based, DSLO, GOLC)

Third, there's the base feature that entitles you to multiple platforms: 

S00128R.  (It's really only useful for z/VM and z/VSE customers since as 

of z/OS V1.6, HLASM is a base element of z/OS.) S00128R is also a monthly
charge, and has even more pricing options (Flat Workload License Charge, 

Tiered Workload License Charge, ELC, zELC, Processor Based, IMLC, PSLC, 

GOLC, DSLO) than S00128N.

So any customer should only have one of the following configurations:

1. S00128N
2. S00128R
3. S00128N and S00128S
4. S00128R and S00128S

You should never have S00128N and S00128R.

There are also other material id's, but I didn't think they were useful t
this discussion, so if you have something else, I'll be happy to explain 


Tracy Dean, IBM

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