>I have tried to use the following command to print a cms-file directly on a 
> printer in our network: 
> lpr lprtest datei a ( SYNCHRONOUS Printer raw host nopostscript 
> When the page came out of the printer I saw only the first line of text. 

Yes, that's what it's supposed to do if you specify "raw" as the queue name. By 
convention (at least if you believe that convention has the force of standard), 
if you use the queue name "raw", you are expected to supply a printable stream 
as you want it rendered and the printer is to do no additional processing. Try 
"text" instead of "raw" -- in the HP-derived LPD implementations, this causes 
the printer to assume that the input is plain text and process accordingly. 

> When I do a lpr from the windows PC it works fine. Then I see in the printers
>  hexdump x'0D0A' 
> If I define the Printer to RSCS and use a lpr synchronous printing it works 
> fine too. 
> How can I force cms lpr to send x'0D0A'  instead of only x'0A' ? Or this a 
> bug ? 

Working as designed. It works on Windows because the Windows LPR processes the 
text file and adds the CR/LF pair before sending the file to the printer. RSCS 
does the same thing (converts native line end to CR/LF before sending). The CMS 
implementation is technically correct, but the other two implementations are 
more practical. 

Another good reason to get IPP support in CMS and RSCS -- this kind of 
ambiguity doesn't exist with IPP. 

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