> > > Also fails with IE7. Item is displayed, but doesn't seem to go
> anywhere.
> >
> > From what I heard, that was a pretty good description of the
> > provided by the product. :-)

If we're talking about IE7, then yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Moby

If we're talking about Director, I'd disagree with that somewhat. 

*IF* you have a existing install of Director for your Intel boxes, then
plugging in the z/VM bits into that infrastructure is pretty nice --
smoothly integrated into the same UI and being able to tie things into
the policies existing for other parts of the organization from a single
console is pretty neat. 

The area where I find Director kind of limiting is that it's confining
in the same way SAF and VIF were limited in that it's hard to do things
that weren't visualized in the designers heads. For a less-experienced
VM user, or one accustomed to using VM only for hosting guests, it might
be sufficient. It won't replace VM:Secure any time soon for
CMS-intensive shops. 

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