Thanks for the EXEC. I am going to look up a bit on using what we have now 
(VM:Operator) to see if it can do the equivalent. I was hoping to find a way 
without resorting to issuing a SMSG to RSCS and looking for the response.


-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Schuh, Richard
Sent: December 8, 2006 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: How to find tag info for a spool file not your own

Perhaps even better - use an EXEC that sends the command to RSCS and uses the 
Command Response Interface to receive the result. Here is one that I have been 
using for years:


   This exec issues a command to an RSCS machine and returns the response to 
the caller
   in a stem variable. GETRSCS may be called in one of the following ways:

   1. 'EXEC GETRSCS parms'
   2. call getrscs parms
   3. var = getrscs(parms)

   In all cases, the caller must be an exec which can receive its response in 
an array.

   The possible parameters are:

   Parameter  Description
   STEM var   specifies the name of the stem variable into which the reply is 
to be placed. If no
              stem is specified, then "STEM REPLY." will be assumed. Upon 
return, var0 will contain
              the number of lines in the reply and the reply will occupy var1 
through varn (var0 = n).
   TEST       specifies that the command is to be issued to a test RSCS 
mmachine. If omitted, RSCS will
              be the target VM.
   filters    specifies whether headings and messages are to be filtered out or 
returned with the reply.
              The possible filter values are "H", indicating that headings are 
to be included, and "M",
              indicating that messages are to be included. If neither H nor M 
is specified, then only
              the command reply is returned. Order of specification (if both 
are included) is unimportant.
   command    is the command to be issued to the RSCS machine.

   Order of parameters:

   "STEM var" and "TEST", if specified must preceed "filters" and "command". 
Order between these two is arbitrary.
   "filters", if specified,  must immediately preceed "command" which must 
always be last.

   Written: 10/06/98 by Richard Schuh
   Revised: 12/09/98 by rns - PIPE was not ending if GETRSCS was executed from 
ISPF environment

address command                /* Issue CMS and CP commands directly */
signal on novalue              /* Trap possible use of uninitialized variables 
signal on syntax               /* Trap possible REXX syntax errors */

arg stuff
rscsid = 'RSCS'
array = 'reply.'
le = '15'x                                             /* line-end */
wait = '10'
stg = ''                                               /* initialize some stuff 
hdgs = 0
msgs = 0
do forever
   parse var stuff tst stuff
      when tst = 'TEST' then rscsid = 'RSCST'
      when tst = 'STEM' then parse var stuff array stuff
      when tst = 'H' then hdgs = 1                     /* headings wanted */
      when tst = 'M' then msgs = 1                     /* messages wanted */
      otherwise do                                     /* done */
         cmd = tst stuff
      end                                              /* select; */
   end                                                 /* do forever */
   when ¬msgs & ¬hdgs then stg = 'nfind M| nfind H'    /* if neither headings 
nor messages, filter them out of response */
   when ¬msgs then stg = 'nfind M'                     /* if messages not 
wanted, ... */
   when ¬hdgs then stg = 'nfind H'                     /* if headings not 
wanted ... */
   otherwise stg = 'locate 1'                          /* both wanted - put in 
a nop type stage */
   end                                                 /* select; */
mid = strip(left(userid(),6))                          /* for rscs cri 
interface */
cmd = '(ML.'mid')' cmd                                 /* build the complete 
command */
parse value diag(8,'Q SET') with 'MSG' msgset . ',' .
'PIPE (end \)',
   '  literal +'wait ,                                  /* wait no longer than 
5 seconds */
   '| delay',                                          /* wait */
   '| fia: faninany',
   '| take 1',
   '| pipestop',                                       /* hold here */
'\ starmsg CP SET MSG IUCV'le'CP SMSG' rscsid cmd,
   '| eof: nlocate /'left(mid,6) 'M1L End of command response/',
   '| specs 17-* 1' ,                                  /* get rid of the what 
kind and who from stuff */
   '| sort 11-14',                                     /* ensure properly 
sorted by line number       */
   '| specs 32-* 1',                                   /* get rid of header 
stuff                     */
   '| 'stg ||,                                         /* eliminate 
messages/trailers                 */
   '| spec 5-* 1',                                     /* eliminate the "B1L"   
   '| stem' array '1',                                 /* put in caller's array 
'\ eof:',                                              /* headers and trailers 
to here                */
   '| fia:'
'CP SET MSG' msgset                                    /* cleanup and back to 
normal                  */

return 0


.cm This HELP Menu documwents the GETRSCS EXEC.
.cm Author: Richard Schuh

GETRSCS, which must be called by a REXX program, issues an
RSCS command and returns the response to the caller in a stem

Command Format:
               ;- STEM REPLY. -;
 >>-- GETRSCS -;---------------;-;--------;-;-----;- cmd -><
               '-- STEM var  --' '- TEST -' ;|<--|;
                                            ;- H -;
                                            '- M -'
Where: STEM var - specifies the name of the stem variable into which
                  the command response is to be returned. The stem of
                  a REXX variable that part of the variable name that
                  preceeds the last period. The response will be
                  returned in the variables var.1 var.2 ... var.n and
                  var.0 will be set to equal the number of lines in
                  the response. If omitted, the stem will default to
       TEST     - requests that the command be sent to the test RSCS
       H        - requests that response headings be returned in
                  addition to the text of the response. Normally, only
                  the text is returned.
       M        - requests that response messages be returned in
                  addition to the text of the response.
       cmd      - is the RSCS command to  be issued.

GETRSCS can be invoked in any of the following ways from within a REXX

   'EXEC GETRSCS parms'

   call getrscs parms

   retcode = getrscs(parms)

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rich 
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: How to find tag info for a spool file not your own

On: Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 02:16:28PM -0500,Horlick, Michael Wrote:

} I would like to know if there is a way to find out the tag information } for 
a spool file in another user's (in my case, user RSCS) reader.

I have done this many times.  If you know the spoolid of the file in the RSCS 
reader and you can either make yourself a SECUSER of RSCS (or be able to 
observe its console via VM:Operator or some other means) then  

   CP SEND rscsid CP Q TAG FI nnnn

and watch the results on the rscs console.

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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