SLES9 64 bit with OSA (OSA and Hipersockets have large buffer
requirements) say they need 512MB.  I've done installs in 256 MBs.  I do
get a message stating insufficient storage, but the install with only
the normal base packages, works fine. 

During the installation, you don't have access to Linux swap disks.  A
Linux virtual disk is carved out of the storage you have, and the
initial load/creation of a Linux system is done in memory.  Then that
system is, in effect, booted, and now a system is built on disk.

Depending on what your options are, you will use different abouts of
virtual disk.  If you run out, your installation will fail (just looks
like it stops at a point where it may be thinking about
something....never comes back).

If this is your first zLinux installation, then use their suggestions. 
No use throwing in a monkey wrench in to the works.  Once you get use to
zLinux installs, you can try things out.

If you will be installing a memory intensive product (a database), you
may want to plan for that memory, before you install.  AND, it is easier
to get better database performance, right out of the box, if, when you
install the database, you give it the memory you will be running in. 
Some databases, at installation time, looks at the memory you have, and
customizes certain memory related parms.  A good DBA would know these
and change them, but for the rest of us<G>....

Linux was designed for the "fixed hardware crowd", that is PC, Servers,
etc.  You have non shared hardware dedicated to it.  On the mainframe, a
shared platform, we try to find "best use" for our resources.  If you
don't really need a GB of real memory, we will trim you down to give the
memory to some other deserving system.  Sure you may swap more, but we
have one kick-a@@ I/O subsystem.  To a point, we will trade more I/Os
for less real memory requirements (kind of backwards from normal
mainframe thinking).

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/2006 9:34 AM >>>
Has anyone taken the time to come up with the minimal system
for a SLES installation?
Even the "minimal system" selection on the software install panel seems
little over engineered.

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems

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