Don Russell wrote:

That is, how can I determine what my ORIGINID would be if I sent a spool file to another ID?

The LCLQRY package seems like the best solution.... however, even that level of modification is a little sticky. As a compromise, I wrote the following little EXEC (QALTID EXEC) I thought I'd share in case anybody is looking for the same information.

/* Provide a REXX function to obtain the ALTID in effect for the      */
/* calling userid. If no ALTID is in effect, it returns the ID it is  */
/* running on.                                                        */
/*                                                                    */
/* altid = 'QALTID'()                                                 */
/*                                                                    */
/* Don Russell - 29 December 2006                                     */
/*                                                                    */
trace Off
address command

  'SPECS W-1|',

if (rc = 0) then return altid

/* CP QUERY ALTID is not available on this system ... ho hum          */
/* Roll up our sleeves and do it the hard way.                        */
if (rc = 0) then parse pull . . vprt .

  'STRLITERAL /SPOOL' vprt 'TO' userid()'/|',

  'STRLITERAL X0140|',
  'URO' vprt'|',
  'TAKE LAST 1|',
  'SPECS /QUERY VIRTUAL' vprt'/|',
  'DROP FIRST 3|',
  'TAKE FIRST 1|',
  'SPECS W5|',
  'VAR SPID|',
  'SPECS /CLOSE 'vprt'/ 1 WRITE /DETACH 'vprt'/ 1|',

parse value diag('F8',spid) with 13 origin +8 .
origin = strip(origin)

parse value diag('08','PURGE * RDR' spid) with .

return origin

--- end of exec ---

I thought I could do it all with a single pipe line, but when I do that the URO 
fails saying the specified device doesn't exist. Splitting it in two was 
simpler than figuring it out further.

Of course comments, improvements are welcome.

Don Russell

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