
Here's an example I use to delete files:

'PIPE Command LISTFILE * * X (NOH',             
  '| sort 1.8 D',                   

  '| drop 35',                    
  '| Specs /ERASE/ 1 w1-3 nw /(TYPE/ nw',           
  '| Command ',                    
  '| count lines',                   
  '| specs /'time()'/ 1 w1 nw /monwrite file(s) deleted/ nw',
  '| >>' logfile                   

It will list all files from filemode X, sorts them newest first, then dro
the 35 most recent versions and erase the rest. The command will write a 

record into a logfile that states how much files are deleted.

The trick for ERASE, use option TYPE to see the filenames that are 
deleted. In my case I only use the records from ERASE to count the number
of deleted files.

Regards, Berry.

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