To all DB2/VM server users: several instances of DB2/VM server abends with 
ARIYI36 05 
have been reported to IBM lately when users migrated their DB2/VM servers to 
z/VM 5.20 running in a z9 hardware with VMDSS enabled.
  VM APAR VM63968 has been opened to address this problem.
  IBM z/VM development is currently, with the assistance of DB2 for VSE&VM 
Team, testing the fix for VM APAR VM63968.
  DB2/VM server's ARIYI36 05 abend is an "after the fact" situation. That 
means, DB2/VM server detects an "inconsistance" between the BDISK and the 
DBEXTENT when it requests CP to bring in a datapage from the DBEXTENT. With 
VMDSS support enabled, CP is responsible to move datapage between 
DASD(DBEXTENT) and dataspace then DB2/VM server moves the datapage from 
dataspace to its buffer for processing.The error could have been:  
  1) CP returns an incorrect datapage 
  2) the datapage returned has been previously stored on DASD incorrectly by CP
  If a user would like to migrate DB2/VM server to z/VM 5.20 running in a z9 
hardware BEFORE the official PTF for APAR  VM63968 is available, the 
recommendation is:
  1) apply all available MCLs to z9 box;
  2) apply all current VM APARs/PTFs, especially VM63978/UM31822;
  3) disable VMDSS support in DB2/VM server;
  4) if not possible to disable VMDSS support in DB2/VM server, the DB2/VM 
server should be archived more frequency.  


With best regards,

...Roland Chung
Senior Technical Specialist (S/390,VM/VSE,DB2/VSE&VM)
MAXC Consultants Inc.
Voice/Fax: 416-901-9442 (If busy, call: 416-469-2268)
197 Hastings Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. M4L 2L6

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