Tony Thigpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't work with maclibs very much. I have a maclib full of members 
>that I want to extract to individual members on a cms disk. I can't seem 
>to find the right command. For one or two, I usually just do a maclist 
>and xedit the members to save them but in this case, I need to extract 
>about 100.

Wow.  This is OT, but this brings back memories: my VERY FIRST assignment after 
I signed my first contract to work at the University of Waterloo Department of 
Computing services (on my 19th birthday!) in 1980 was to write a MACTYPE 
command to extract members of MACLIBs and type them or save them to disk.  
Hundreds of miles from here and several thousand years ago...


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