> > Bug, IMHO. Valid route, should be valid syntax. The fact you *can*
> > yourself in the head is not the tool's problem. Your gun, your foot.
> [snip]
> I agree, allowing customers to shoot them selves in various parts of
> anatomy is *not* the tool's problem.  However, it does become our
> when the shot is taken, they call us and their overall user experience
> less than favorable.  I think having the tool unload the gun is
> preferable.

Ordinarily, I'd agree -- cranky people with broken networks make my day
less fun too. 

On the other hand, there is a difference between blocking a technically
valid configuration completely and a great big message warning you that
you're about to do something the designers think is suboptimal but you
let them do it anyway, trusting that they know what they are doing.
There are legitimate reasons to allow this configuration, even if it's
usually a bad idea (example: if you need to adjust weighting for a P2P
link in a IGP that will eventually be redistributed into an EGP at some
point, and you want to control where the aggregation happens, or force
it not to happen at all).

I think this situation merits the latter, not the former. 

You get to trade one set of less sophisticated cranky users for more
sophisticated cranky network weenies with a mission to do odd things in
their routing. I'm not sure that's an improvement...8-)

-- db

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