On 1/23/07, Stracka, James (GTI) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    dte= date("U",date("B") - 7,"B")
         'pipe cms list * * ' mde ' (before ' dte ,
          '| sort w8 ',
          '| stem files.'
             do n= 1 to files.0
             trace r
             'erase' files.n

How could I argue when it does the job for you, but it boggles the mind...
Why would you sort the list of files before erasing them?
Have you thought about doing the ERASE from within the pipeline, like
 PIPE command LISTFILE ...
   | spec ,ERASE, 1 w1.3 nw
   | command
   | cons
(and if you really want to see it happen, a "cons" before the
"command" would do)


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