Loren Charnley, Jr. wrote:

I am in the last stages of planning our next DR, perform on 2/24. When I
first started, we sent out our requirements to IBM and they responded in
kind with the VM Directory for their floor system for our machine. In the
directory they have all of the hardware that we are contracted for with the
same types and corresponding CUU's. This way we are using the same hardware
and the same CUU, sort of like being at home.

I hope that this will give food for thought and will help in the process.

This is EXACTLY what I'm trying to avoid.

If I call the tape hangers at a DR site, they shouldn't have to care what tape drive addresses I'm used to. It's a lot easier for all involved if I can I can say "Hang IM0123 on B00," not, "Hang IM0123 on the drive I know as 2F02." Worse, when I was setting up my system, I did a Q V TAPES (when I was a user on their system, not my system) and got a virtual-real address that wasn't B00 -- there was Another Layer of Device Remapping involved.

I HATE, HATE, HATE, that DR site providers try so hard to make our hot site system look like our production hardware. Hey, it's VM, and it's a disaster. Give me adequate raw hardware get out of my way, please.

OK, I'm weird. This isn't news to anyone, particularly anyone on this list.

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