> Did anyone see this article regarding Nationwide:
> http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196700327

> The specific item I wonder about is: "The IFLs don't come
> cheap. They're listed at $95,000 each on IBM's Web site. But
> hundreds of small servers didn't come cheaply either. Miggo
> estimates they averaged $10,000 each."

> The last I heard, IFLs listed for $125,000 each. Has that
> changed? Or, is that incorrect infromation (either because the
> number is wrong or because its "Nationwide" pricing instead of
> list) that incorrect infromation (either because the number is
> wrong or because its "Nationwide" pricing instead of list)

Dennis: Don't believe what you read in the press, especially the
IT press. The "list price" for an IFL on any machine other than a
z9 BC is $125,000 US (on the z9 BC it is $95,000). However, there
are often (always?) deals from IBM. I suspect the author of the
article saw the $95,000 price for a z9 BC and thought that was
for all z9s.


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