> I believe that you are "Preaching to the Choir".

Very possibly. On the other hand, you guys write bigger checks to IBM
than I do. There are also some quiet people lurking on this list that do
have the ear of senior IBMers -- and others -- in ways that I don't.
Don't kid yourself -- HP and Sun folks read this list closely. 

> but when small to medium companies switch it takes a long time for
them to 
> get the bad taste "of what IBM did to us" out of their mouths.

Judging by the continuing reaction to the DECsystem 10 and 20
cancellation and IBM's failed SNA-will-take-over-the-world networking
strategy, we've got a long wait coming. HP is *still* paying for DEC
cancelling Jupiter way back in 1982, even two companies later.

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