You must have made another error: if you relabel and change all labels in
SYSTEM CONFIG, the SPOOL must be found.  You must find the the labels in the
CP OWNED list and the one disk for Checkpoint+Warm start area (by default on
the resident).

If you forget the changes in the CP directory, no minidisks will be found,
hence IPL CMS will not work.  You'd need to use DEFINE MDISK to get hold on
MAINT 190 (to find the CMS S-disk and DIRECTXA) and the location of the CP
directory source.

2007/3/7, Little, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 Without using the cookbook (where would I find it?), I updated the system
config and relabelled the dasd a couple of weeks ago.  It came up, said it
couldn't find spool and deleted it all.

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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