Thanks for the hints...... but ....

i am pretty sure all page packs where formatted, and that there was / is
no overlap at no time.

Anyway, i re-formatted and gave 1g of storage to the 2nd level vm, no
problems so far.

Regards, Stefan

Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
19.03.2007 22:07
Please respond to


Re: HCPCLS174E Paging I/O error; IPL failed - on second level z/VM


As already mentioned, this looks suspiciously like you did not fully
format ALL cylinders required for CP's use.  In this case the PAGE space
-- but CP also needs all the cylinders allocated to SPOL, DRCT, WARM,
CKPT, and if used, DUMP to be formatted with CPFMTXA (ICKDSF under the
covers) before use.  You can format the PAGE cylinders without loss any
time that system is down.

The easiest solution is to carefully document where your second level page
cylinders are, bring down your second level system, link to or attach
those disks from MAINT on first level, and completely format those
cylinders.  We suffered a crash after converting to VM/XA every Monday
morning at about 08:45, with a similar message.  The system was IPLed and
came up and stayed up until the next IPL.  We checked power supplies,
system load, and all sorts of things at that timeframe.  It took a few
Monday morning crashes to discover that I had formatted one few DASD slots
than CP was told to use for paging on one DASD.  I don't remember why it
only failed only on Monday mornings (after regular Sunday evening IPLs,
and with a big Monday morning logon surge) while we could IPL after the
crash, experience a big logon surge and but still stayed up.

It could also be that some other OS is writing on the PAGE cylinders. Even
if you format the second level system's page cylinders (described above)
-- be sure that they were not corrupted by another system.  Check that
only CP on your second level system has write-access to its page
cylinders.  Look in the second level directory (using DIRMAP or DISKMAP or
whatever ESM product you use to map disks) for any MDISKs that overlap
that area -- including full-pack disks.  Then look in the first level
directory (again, using DISKMAP or DIRMAP or whatever ESM product you use
to map disks) for anything allocated on the second level system's page
cylinders.  If you find unintended write access, correct it before it
happens again.

Then check to see if those DASD are mounted on another, external system.
Once a long, long time ago when I worked for Kraft Foods we found CHEESE
in CP's general purpose registers when processing an ABEND dump .  Well,
actually it was EBCDIC for CHEESE, which was a word in a report that had
been written to a temporary dataset on an MVS system where the Operator
had mounted one of VM's paging DASD as "public".  VM paged out to that
volume, the MVS system wrote its application report on the VM page
cylinders, VM paged in and promptly crashed with CHEESE in its registers.
No CE's were required to fix the problem; just getting the volume varied
offline on MVS, and running CPFMT (before CPFMTXA, and "someone else's
job") on the volume to write a dummy VTOC thereon to make it look full to
other systems.   :-)

Let us know what was wrong so we all learn.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
Any opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily
represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.

"Stefan Raabe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
03/19/2007 10:12 AM

Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


HCPCLS174E Paging I/O error; IPL failed - on second level z/VM

Hello List,

i was working on a a second level VM (z/VM 5.2, 5203RSU applied)
when i got these messages after IPL when trying to log on users:

HCPCLS174E Paging I/O error; IPL failed
HCPCLS059E AUTOLOG failed for AUTOLOG1 - IPL failed

I was running with 384 Meg, so i made it 512meg and after ipl everything
worked fine again.

After some ipl's (dont know exactly, 3-5) i got the same problem again.
This time i drained the page devices, and after i drained them all
i was able to log on users.

Do i have a "bad dasd pack" as described in the HCPCLS174E documentation?
Or is this somehow caused by a main / auxilliary page storage

Is someone able to put some light on this?

Thanks + Regards, Stefan

Deutsche Börse Systems AG
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Deutsche Börse Systems AG
Chairman of the Supervisory Board/
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Reto Francioni
Executive Board/Vorstand:
Michael Kuhn (Chief Executive Officer/Vorsitzender),
Yves Baguet (Deputy Chief Executive Officer/
stellvertretender Vorsitzender), Gerhard Leßmann.
Aktiengesellschaft with registered seat in/mit Sitz in
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Local court/Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main HRB 42413.

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