Since our environment is fairly dynamic, what I've done is to let SYSTEM
CONFIG vary on all the devices that are visible to our LPAR, and then parse
through a Q DASD ALL in AUTOLOG1, looking for CP OWNED and CP SYSTEM. Any
other volume I find, I vary offline, keeping my zOS peers happy and off my
case about holding their devices and keeping them from being able to back
up, etc....

In this way, I don't need to keep the devices list up to date in SYSTEM
CONFIG, which was getting up into the hundreds of lines.

   .~.    Robert P. Nix             Mayo Foundation
   /V\    RO-OC-1-13                200 First Street SW
  /( )\   507-284-0844              Rochester, MN 55905
  ^^-^^   ----- 
        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
         in practice, theory and practice are different."

On 3/21/07 11:01 PM, "Alain Benveniste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Richard,
> All the devices coded in the imbed file as offline_at_ipl are still seen as
> DEV OFFLINE by the system even if we code sensed 0000-ffff in the config
> file, as you show. At this time I suppose I will use the cp q all offline
> cmd, extract all the DEV and vary on them. Not very nice.
> Alain
> Le 21/03/07 21:36, « Schuh, Richard » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>> Go ahead and let the devices be sensed. We take a slightly different
>> approach.
>> We have
>> Devices ,       
>> Online_at_IPL   0000-FFFF,
>> Dynamic_I/O     0000-FFFF,
>> Sensed          0000-FFFF
>> Followed by (it happens to be the last entry in the CONFIG)
>> Where the devices offline file lists in agonizing detail which devices are to
>> be taken offline. All of the devices are sensed, so we need not mess with
>> RDEVICE at all except for a few unsupported devices that we have. We took
>> this approach because of the demands placed on us by the DASD Storage
>> Management Group (MVS centric), who give us a scattering of disks intermixed
>> with those belonging to that other system, and by other people who think that
>> MVS disks should never be online to a VM system. They happen to be the tail
>> that wags the dog.
>> This doesn't eliminate the need to have an EXEC or Pipeline to vary on the
>> ones that you do not want attached to system during the IPL, but it does
>> insure that the device blocks are built according to the data returned by the
>> sensing operation during roll-call. We do not have the problem of duplicate
>> volume serials, so that is not a concern of ours.
>> Regards, 
>> Richard Schuh 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Alain Benveniste
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:03 PM
>> Subject: Re: System Config : suggestion (corrected)
>> James,
>> I didn't give enough infos : the problem is how to treat duplicate volsers
>> as Berry says Offline during IPL but get them Online just after.
>> I have tested a similar solution where the idea was to pipe cp q da offline
>> and vary on the result. The problem is that what we code with Offline_at_ipl
>> is not sensed which means that the DASD are seen as DEV xxxx OFFLINE. Cp q
>> da offline cmd sends nothing back. To 'resolve' this the only way I found is
>> to let the Offline_at_ipl and add the Rdevice type dasd for all the ranges.
>> That's an other problem because Rdevice only supports 256 dev by cmd...
>> Alain
>> Paris, France
>> Le 21/03/07 15:47, « Stracka, James (GTI) » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>>> Interesting.  We reverse the order:
>>> Devices ,
>>>   Offline_at_IPL  0000-FFFF,
>>>   Sensed          0000-FFFF,
>>>   Online_at_IPL   0400-0408 ,
>>>                   0A00-0AEF ,
>>>                   A9A0-A9AF ,
>>>                   AC30-AC3F ,
>>>                   AFAF      ,
>>>                   BC90-BCA8 ,
>>>                   C940-C94F ,
>>>                   CD40-CD5F
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>> Behalf Of Berry van Sleeuwen
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 9:40 AM
>>> Subject: Re: System Config : suggestion (corrected)
>>> Hello Alain,
>>> We use an input file to select what DASD addresses should be online
>>> after 
>>> an IPL. The file is basically a Q DASD. The file is read and attaches
>>> the 
>>> DASD to system, dedicated DASD is left free and DASD that is not used is
>>> set offline. The only thing we have to do is (re)build the DASD file
>>> when 
>>> a volume has been added or deleted. (PIPE CP Q DASD | > DASD FILE D) It
>>> saves us from changing the system config every time we change the DASD
>>> configuration. If the files are located on shared DASD the DASD FILE can
>>> be named something like VMLXHW1 DASD for the VMLXHW1 node.
>>> This doesn't work when we have duplicate DASD volumes that are required
>>> during IPL. We have some VM's that still use the default zVM440 DASD
>>> volume ID's. When a default 440W01 or something like that has not been
>>> relabeled the 'wrong' addresses must be set offline in the system
>>> config:
>>> FBVM03: Devices ,
>>>    Online_at_IPL   0000-FFFF,
>>>    OFFLINE_AT_IPL  2100-21DF,
>>>    OFFLINE_AT_IPL  21EA-21FF,
>>>    OFFLINE_AT_IPL  2200-239F,
>>>    OFFLINE_AT_IPL  23A4-23FF,
>>>    Sensed          0000-FFFF
>>> Regards, Berry.
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