>From http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18325591/ :

ARMONK, N.Y. - The powerful "Cell" microprocessor that fuels Sony Corp.'s 
PlayStation 3 video game console will be available in IBM mainframe computers 
so those high-performance machines can run complex online games and virtual 

Jointly developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba Corp., Cell is touted as a 
"supercomputer on a chip" because of its design, which includes one central 
processing unit helped by eight additional processors working on specific tasks.

Because of that unusual architecture, Cell's use outside of PlayStations has 
been limited to specialized hardware for graphics-intensive functions such as 
military or medical applications.

Mainframes are big computers commonly used for transaction processing and other 
centralized tasks. Despite their old-fashioned reputation, IBM's mainframe 
sales have been on an upswing, as IBM has encouraged customers to perform a 
wider variety of computing functions on them, since mainframes can run multiple 
processors and operating systems at once.

Adding Cell chips to mainframes to make the machines into hubs for online 
gaming and simulations could bolster that strategy, analysts said.

"It opens up some new potential frontiers," said Charles King of Pund-IT 

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(OK, this makes almost no sense; the only way I can make it remotely do so is 
if it means that they're using Cell BE as the underlying chip, microprogrammed 
to do z/Architecture.  Maybe as the zIIP or zAAP or zOOP* engines?)

* zOOP: z Object Oriented Processor.  My made-up name for whatever comes next 
-- I like "zIIP, zAAP, zOOP!" as a marketing slogan...

Phil Smith III
(703) 476-4511 (office)
(703) 568-6662 (cell)

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