And I thought that terminators were an artifact of bus and tag
connections (as long as we are not discussing movies made by the
Governator) :-) 

Richard Schuh 

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: RES: PALNK when activating XCA for OSE/SNA

On Tuesday, 05/15/2007 at 01:04 ZE2, Shimon Lebowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Important note from IBM support: the little 'terminator' plug that
> came with the OSA can be plugged in (if you still know where
> you put it! lol) and VTAM will consider it an OSA attached to a net.

Oh, wow.  A "blast from the past".  :-)  My old VM networking 
presentations included the warning that you should activate OSAs only
a cable is plugged into it or the terminator is present.  I completely 
forgot about that.  Sorry.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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