Kris, (and others) thanks for the reply.  I've got the rexx EXEC working. 
I also have the BFSLIST package - very useful.
I've run into a problem when using VMNFS with intel Linux. We run UDB on 
iLinux and therefore run backups from the UDB control center.  My DBA says 
we run a table space full backup.  I am able to mount a BFS type directory 
via VMNFS.  I am able to write files to this area both via the Linux 
command line and X-window gui (drag and drop).  This all works fine.  When 
we try to do the backup to the mounted BFS directory, it opens the file 
it's going to write and that's it, the back up hangs.  The backup works 
fine when writing to a directory on the same Linux box or on a CIFS 
mounted directory.  It won't work with VMNFS.  I've checked permission's 
and such but may have over looked something.
Any suggestions?
Steve G.

Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
05/23/2007 05:34 AM
Please respond to The IBM z/VM Operating System

        Subject:        Re: Rexx and OpenExtension

OPENVM is an EXEC, so you need to code
/* */
address ciommand
'EXEC OPENVM mount  /. . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/  /'
Maybe also have a look at my BFSLIST package on VM's download lib.
Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

2007/5/21, Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Steve, any valid OpenExtension command can be issued from a CMS Rexx exec.

> Can OpenExtension commands, for example,  GETBFS, PUTBFS, MOUNT, etc be 
> issued from within a REXX program?
> The OE Users Guide doesn't say that you can, but it doesn't say that you
> can't.
> The code might be something like:
> /*  */
> 'cms OPENVM mount  /. . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/  /' 
> 'cms OPENVM GETBFS yadda yadda'
> 'cms OPENVM  unmount   / . . /VMSYSU:MYTEST/ /'
> This is very simplistic,  I would actually being adding code to process 
> file, etc. 
> I didn't want to start down the REXX path and find out I can't do what I
> want to do.
> Thanks,
> Steve G.


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